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As a composer and arranger, sooner or later, in today’s world, one is forced to become acquainted with the world of sound recording as well. Rather sooner. So did I. 20 years ago when I took part in studio recordings of one of my first compositions. The 2nd record of my band was already made by me. Well, that's how it goes.

Sound recordings

I undertake to make, mix and master sound recordings mainly in classical and jazz style, from singer demos to choral sound recordings to live concerts. Of course, what's how much and why, and how, is each a unique question, it's not like "how much is the fish?" Each recording is unique, we have to discuss all the details.

Arranging, making karaoke-versions

"Listen, could you take the lead vocals off of this?" This is the classic question. The classic answer exists, of course, is that yes, it just doesn’t matter how. Karaoke versions are arranged in the studio, in the best case scenario, live people play live instruments well and in good quality. Well, it costs about the same as the original recording, because it has exactly the same amount of work with it. The other case is, I record all the instrument tracks again (meaning drums to the last background vocals), 99% with the same tones, similar mixing and sound. Well, depending on the song, it’s also 3-20 hours of work per song. Maybe piano covers are the exceptions, as there’s only one piano track. As you can see, it doesn’t cost as much as $ 3, as on sites where you can download thousands of karaoke versions. What I will make for you, you will be the sole owner of, you can sell it as much as you want. So think about it, look for it everywhere, and if you’re really going to be the first to want to make the karaoke cersion of a particular song, feel free to contact with me, but be prepared for no one to do it cheaply, think like you’re orchestrating your own song , it is a long process, quality work.

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